If you are from a foreign country that is not a member of the European Union and you are in an irregular situation in the Basque Country, there are a number of resources and institutions that can not only provide you with support, guidance and information, but can also help you to defend your rights and interests, both in social and employment matters.
If you need to regularise your situation, you can contact these specialised centres. They will advise you on the options open to you through the mechanisms currently in force under current legislation.
Here in the Basque Country you can contact Aholku-Sarea, a network promoted by the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government, which will provide you with legal advice on immigration matters. This service is available to immigrants and to professionals from public administrations and third sector organisations who may need guidance in immigrant integration processes.
Aholku-Sarea is made up of different bodies that will provide you with information and support to help you find your feet and enter the labour market: